• 89.90 €
    89.90 €

    TWISTER Mini Rig Kit for dabbing by Goody Glass. Designed for visually stunning function, the twister is sure to entertain. It features multi hole percolation and a recycler that continuously spins and refilters the smoke for hits that are exceptionally smooth.

    TWISTER Mini Rig Kit for dabbing by Goody Glass. Designed for visually stunning function, the twister is sure to entertain. It features multi hole...

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  • 9.90 €
    9.90 €

    Spectacular glass dabber manufactured by hand of 135mm in length. Perfect to manipulate and consume your extracts and concentrates of marijuana type BHO, WAX, Shatter ...

    Spectacular glass dabber manufactured by hand of 135mm in length. Perfect to manipulate and consume your extracts and concentrates of marijuana type BHO,...

  • 12.50 €
    12.50 €

    Titanium nail in the shape of an L type banger, moving the tip of the nail away from the pipe to be heated. Domeless, you do not need a dome to smoke extractions with the Black Leaf clove. Available for pipes with MALE input of 10mm, 14mm and 18mm.

    Titanium nail in the shape of an L type banger, moving the tip of the nail away from the pipe to be heated. Domeless, you do not need a dome to smoke...

  • 27.90 €
    27.90 €

    Universal grade 2 titanium nail. Nail that opens at the top to place the resistance of the electric nails. Reversible nail to male and female, with entrance to 10mm, 14mm and 18mm pipes. Two different models, for resistances of 15.5mm or 19.5mm.

    Universal grade 2 titanium nail. Nail that opens at the top to place the resistance of the electric nails. Reversible nail to male and female, with entrance...

  • 24.90 €
    24.90 €

    Powerful nail made with titanium grade two, with which we will not need a dome. The nail connects directly with the water chamber, it being unnecessary to create a cabin to avoid the escape of steam. Universal nail, which can be turned for both male and female inputs and fits in diameters of 10, 14 and 18mm.

    Powerful nail made with titanium grade two, with which we will not need a dome. The nail connects directly with the water chamber, it being unnecessary to...

  • 19.90 €
    19.90 €

    Banger type quartz nail, in the shape of "L" and with a large bowl at the end to smoke concentrates and marijuana resins. Designed for use with electric nails (E-Nail) type dabbinator, since the nail has a supporting support for the resistance, as well as a more elongated bowl. Diameter of the bowl 15.5mm.

    Banger type quartz nail, in the shape of "L" and with a large bowl at the end to smoke concentrates and marijuana resins. Designed for use with electric...

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  • 18.00 €
    18.00 €

    Accessory for your pipe or bong of cannabis concentrates. L-shaped "banger" nail, which moves the large bowl away from the nozzle a few centimeters, where we will deposit the resin to be vaporized. Made of high quality quartz, resistant to high temperatures. Different measures.

    Accessory for your pipe or bong of cannabis concentrates. L-shaped "banger" nail, which moves the large bowl away from the nozzle a few centimeters, where we...

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  • 12.50 €
    12.50 €

    Adapter female to female in Z style or Dropdown for your bubbler or bong, manufactured by hand in high quality borosilicate glass. Practical and sometimes necessary utensil to move the nail away from the mouthpiece where we inhale. 14mm to 14mm.

    Adapter female to female in Z style or Dropdown for your bubbler or bong, manufactured by hand in high quality borosilicate glass. Practical and sometimes...

  • 7.50 €
    7.50 €

    Adaptador fabricado en cristal de borosilicato de altisima calidad. Con ámbas puntas acabadas en macho, ésta pieza es perfecta para convertir tu bong de hierba preferido en un Bubbler de concentrados, o simplemente para acoplar un clavo nuevo. Diferentes medidas.

    Adaptador fabricado en cristal de borosilicato de altisima calidad. Con ámbas puntas acabadas en macho, ésta pieza es perfecta para convertir tu bong de...

  • 7.50 €
    7.50 €

    Replacement of borosilicate glass dome of your resin bubbler, or conversion accessory to smoke cannabis extractions as BHO, WAX... in your precious marijuana bong. Available in various sizes.

    Replacement of borosilicate glass dome of your resin bubbler, or conversion accessory to smoke cannabis extractions as BHO, WAX... in your precious marijuana...

  • 7.50 €
    7.50 €

    Borosilicate glass straight adapter male to male; to adapt and convert your marijuana bong of into an excelent Bubbler for smoking cannabis extractions as BHO, WAX, Moonrock, Shatter... Or just to use different domeless nails.

    Borosilicate glass straight adapter male to male; to adapt and convert your marijuana bong of into an excelent Bubbler for smoking cannabis extractions as...

  • 7.50 €
    7.50 €

    Straight adapter borosilicate glass quality. Female to male, and vice versa. To adapt your marijuana bong or bubbler extractions, and to use all kinds of nails "domeless" and cups of different sizes. Different measures.

    Straight adapter borosilicate glass quality. Female to male, and vice versa. To adapt your marijuana bong or bubbler extractions, and to use all kinds of...

  • 7.50 €
    7.50 €

    Straight adapter borosilicate glass quality. Female to female, couple either make the longest bowl or finishing nails to adapt dome (domeless) in your pipe smoking cannabis extractions (BHO, WAX ...) Different measures.

    Straight adapter borosilicate glass quality. Female to female, couple either make the longest bowl or finishing nails to adapt dome (domeless) in your pipe...

  • 7.50 €
    7.50 €

    14mm nail for bubblers or BHO pipes, made of quartz glass, much more resistant to heat and more difficult to break than borosilicate.

    14mm nail for bubblers or BHO pipes, made of quartz glass, much more resistant to heat and more difficult to break than borosilicate.

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